create or replace procedure helloworld_euro is l_pdf blob; begin /* Initializes generator program variables. Default parameter values: - page orientation: portrait - unit: mm - default page format: A4 */ plpdf.Init(); /* Create a new page. Without parameters the default page orientation: portrait. */ plpdf.NewPage(); /* Sets the font properties */ plpdf.SetPrintFont( p_family => 'Arial', -- Font family: Arial p_style => null, -- Font style: Regular p_size => 12 -- Font size: 12 ); --add text plpdf.PrintoutText( p_x => 20, p_y => 30, p_txt => 'Hello World ' || unistr('\20AC') || ' !' ); /* Returns the generated PDF document. The document is closed and then returned in the OUT parameter. */ plpdf.SendDoc( p_blob => l_pdf -- The generated document ); /* store */ delete from STORE_BLOB; insert into STORE_BLOB (blob_file, created_date, filename) VALUES (l_pdf,sysdate, 'helloworld_euro.pdf'); commit; /* call procedure begin delete from store_blob; -- Call the procedure basicexamples.initdefault; commit; end; */ end; /